Gaining Clarity and Making Leadership Easy

Dennis McIntee (aka That Drama Free Guy) travels extensively working with leaders to uncover constraints and build roadmaps for growth to increase their bottom-line performance. As an expert in creating drama-free teams, he assists leaders in leveraging their time and resources more effectively through strategic planning.

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The results in your life are based on the actions you take. The actions you take originate from your feelings which have their root in your thinking and the starting point of these thoughts are the questions you ask. Join us as we discuss Q-T-F-A-R.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 8.58MB - Duration: 18:44 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)

What Does Drama-Free Living Mean?


Drama-Free is about living a life of confidence and creativity. It is becoming free from other peoples expectations and moving forward. It’s about progress, not perfection. Drama-Free living is about living in the freedom of whom you were created to be.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 9.21MB - Duration: 20:07 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)

Drama Free Accountability


The outcome of Drama Free Accountability is self-directed high-level ownership and responsibility by each team member for their assignment. If someone has to ask, "Where are you at on that?" It's a cue I'm not as accountable as I need to be.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 6.63MB - Duration: 14:28 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)

Why Self-Leadership is The Most Vital Leadership Capacity


Self-leadership is the most vital leadership capacity. So goes the leader, so goes the team. Dennis shares 5 practical ways we can begin or get better at self-managing/leading ourselves.

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Filetype: M4A - Size: 8.29MB - Duration: 17:43 m

2 Ways to Expand Trust


To accomplish more in less time, increase trust. How? Character and Competency. It's the fastest path to trust: results are defined and actions are clear when we start to tell the truth and are honest about them. Join Dennis as he unpacks 2 Ways to Expand

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 5.44MB - Duration: 11:52 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)

5W - Get the Spider not the Web!


We waste our time clearing webs of issues in our organization instead of getting to the spider, and the webs keep returning. But, when we get the spider, the webs go away. The 5W Coaching Process in this episode gets to the spider of the issues.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 10.7MB - Duration: 23:21 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)

Triple-A: A Leader's 3 Gifts to Their Teams


A leader's three gifts to their teams: In this episode of Drama-Free Living, we show how AWARENESS, ALIGNMENT and ACCOUNTABILITY remedies cloudy, fuzzy focus in your teams keeping you out of the negative emotion and into seeing and thinking straight.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 9.83MB - Duration: 21:29 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)

How to Overcome Blindspots


People who actively choose to identify and remove their blindspots succeed over people who don’t. The lighter the load you carry the further you can go. This week we address how the posture of 100% responsibility produces the power to change.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 7.2MB - Duration: 15:44 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)

Conflict is Good


Drama is a tragic expression of an unmet need. In this episode of Drama-Free Living, we dive into conflict. It is simply a passionate debate about ideas and, managed well, brings clarity creating life in your organization.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 7.95MB - Duration: 17:22 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)

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