Gaining Clarity and Making Leadership Easy

Dennis McIntee (aka That Drama Free Guy) travels extensively working with leaders to uncover constraints and build roadmaps for growth to increase their bottom-line performance. As an expert in creating drama-free teams, he assists leaders in leveraging their time and resources more effectively through strategic planning.

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Why Self-Leadership is The Most Vital Leadership Capacity


Nothing makes a better impression on people than the ability to lead yourself.  When we lead ourselves well, we are able to manage our emotions and take ownership of ourselves and our problems.  We continually get better and our teams get better. We become leaders worth following. Self-leadership is a capability you can always grow and develop, and Dennis provides 5 easy steps to do so.

  1. Get some outside perspective.
  2. Take 100% responsibility for your life and leadership.
  3. Know how to say “no.”
  4. Have your own personal development plan
  5. Learn from your failures/mistakes.


Categories | Coaching | Leadership | Management


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