Gaining Clarity and Making Leadership Easy

Dennis McIntee (aka That Drama Free Guy) travels extensively working with leaders to uncover constraints and build roadmaps for growth to increase their bottom-line performance. As an expert in creating drama-free teams, he assists leaders in leveraging their time and resources more effectively through strategic planning.

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Drama-Free Meetings


We all need to feel a sense of progress. When there’s a gap between expectations and reality we enter the fog of drama. And, when we hide obstacles, we can’t make good decisions. Eliminating the obstacles gives us shorter, sharper, faster, more efficient and effective meetings. In this podcast, Dennis teaches key concepts to make interactions drama-free:

  1. R2 Formula for Meetings
  2. The Intention Clarify
  3. Open Loop Dilemma (What to do about it)

Don’t waste an hour of someone’s time by not taking 10 minutes to think ahead!

Categories | Coaching | Leadership | Management


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 6.93MB - Duration: 15:08 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)