Gaining Clarity and Making Leadership Easy

Dennis McIntee (aka That Drama Free Guy) travels extensively working with leaders to uncover constraints and build roadmaps for growth to increase their bottom-line performance. As an expert in creating drama-free teams, he assists leaders in leveraging their time and resources more effectively through strategic planning.

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Drama Free Accountability


Organizations' reputations and results suffer when there is a lack of accountability.  So how can I hold my people accountable for their actions?  It's not a trust issue. It's a communication issue, and training is not just a process of giving people the required skill set but training the mindset as well. To have Drama Free accountability, we don't manage people; we manage the agreements we make with each other. We teach people to close the loops and practice R&R (Reason & Result) with every meeting. With these basic practices, we increase the pace of execution diminishing everyone's stress.

Categories | Coaching | Leadership | Teams


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 6.63MB - Duration: 14:28 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)