Gaining Clarity and Making Leadership Easy

Dennis McIntee (aka That Drama Free Guy) travels extensively working with leaders to uncover constraints and build roadmaps for growth to increase their bottom-line performance. As an expert in creating drama-free teams, he assists leaders in leveraging their time and resources more effectively through strategic planning.

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Golden Rule


When people feel connected to you, they open up creating a higher level of trust and transparency; you solve issues quicker, and people bring you problems faster instead of hiding them because they know you believe in them. They know they are a valued member of the team. People tend to behave how we believe them to be. When we believe there is gold inside of every person, we appreciate them and draw out their value. When we work to give TSP (Truthful, Specific, Positive) interactions, we speak to who they are drawing out the gold within.

Categories | Coaching | Leadership | Management


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 5.13MB - Duration: 11:12 m (64 kbps 44100 Hz)